Photo Blog

Marco Larousse photography blog. Read about current projects, documentaries, fine art print sales, gallery exhibits, workshops and speeches by Marco Larousse.

Buy Marco's limited fine art prints

erste.reihe Gallery showroom #1 during the exhibition “Poetry of Coincidence”

erste.reihe Gallery showroom #1 during the exhibition “Poetry of Coincidence”

Did you miss Marco’s photo exhibition “Poetry of Coincidence / Poesie des Zufalls” last December? While we can’t recreate the wonderful atmosphere and great talks that we had during the exhibition, we can still share the images with you.

The gallery erste.reihe is now representing Marco’s limited framed print series and will ship it directly to your doorstep.

Please check out the online gallery page to the fine art series, or visit the gallery in person when you are in the area (Address: Schlankreye 71 in Hamburg, Germany)


The erste.reihe gallery is conveniently located close to Subway Station Hoheluftbruecke in Hamburg.

erste.reihe Gallery showroom #2 during the exhibition “Poetry of Coincidence”

erste.reihe Gallery showroom #2 during the exhibition “Poetry of Coincidence”

Streetfotografie made in Germany - Our Award Winning Photo Book

Some time ago, I was contacted by a publisher and asked if I wanted to participate in a photo book project about German street photography.

After thorough discussions with the editor about the scope, structure, direction, and the list of other participating photographers I agreed to be part of this project.

I had been asked to participate in other street photo book projects before but declined due to various reasons. But this book had the focus to show the diversity and creativity of the German street photography scene by showcasing the work of 10 different established street photographers. And each photographer explains his creative and technical thought process that lead to each image in the book.

This makes the book a great inspiration as well as a technical reference for other street photographers who enjoy or want to learn more about this genre of photography.

Due to German privacy laws on the one hand and the freedom of artistic expression on the other hand, the street photography scene in Germany has to balance those two factors by adopting an artistic way of capturing the special moments of everyday life that most people don’t pay attention to and that will have vanished forever after 1/1000s.

I’m honored to not only have participated with various images and respective stories to this book but also that I was asked to write the introduction to this book.


This book is currently published by Rheinwerk Verlag only in Germany and can be ordered on Amazon Germany here: Streetfotografie made in Germany


Streetfotografie made in Germany -Marco Larousse.jpg

Update - December 27, 2018:

Our book “Streetfotografie made in Germany” was awarded a German photo-book award 2018/2019!

Deutscher Fotobuchpreis 2018_2019 Streetfotografie made in Germany.jpg

Hamburg's Streets Unstaged - A Photo Project

At the end of 2016, I've decided to start a street photography project in Hamburg for 2017.

The goal of the project was to document the beauty of the unstaged daily life on Hamburg's streets throughout the year from an artistic and classic street photography point of view. During the project, I've captured more than a thousand photos and walked hundreds of miles on Hamburg's streets.

On December 31th, 2017 I've created a short video with a selection of 4 images from each month of the project that you can watch below.

I'm currently in the process to decide how this project will be shared from here on: Maybe a book, an exhibition, or a fine art print series..?